I took a quick look at Omniverse’s Extension framework to see how easy it is to create tools and pipeline for Omniverse. I wrote a nifty little tool for Omniverse to procedurally model buildings using PyPRT.

I was excited to find that Omniverse’s Kit Extension framework is mostly if not entirely accessible using Python. The Extension framework is essentially Omniverse’s plugin system for extending its apps, but you can also write your own apps within the Omniverse ecosystem using the same SDK. Check out this short demo video of the procedural modeling tool that I wrote as I took the SDK for a test-drive. Most of the heavy lifting is done with CityEngine’s PyPRT with just a little bit of USD glue code from me. In the future, I might breakdown some of the features that I really liked from Omniverse Kit’s Extension framework and/or go over how I built this extension. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or if you’d be interested in one of those follow-up blog posts.